Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/73789
Título: Nonlinear Time Series and Finance
Autor: Coronado Ramírez, Semei
Celso Arellano, Pedro L.
Trejo Pech, Carlos O.
Coronado Ramírez, Semei
Celso Arellano, Pedro L.
Trejo Pech, Carlos O.
Fecha de titulación: 2014
Editorial: Biblioteca Digital wdg.biblio
Universidad de Guadalajara
Resumen: The application of nonlinear time series models in economic and finance has expanded rapidly lately. Thus, it becomes important to disseminate the latest research to scholars, practitioners and graduate students interested in this field. This is the main purpose of this book, which offers a collection of studies related to economics and finance. The behavior of complex economic and financia! markets has been modeled beyond traditional economics theory by borrowing techniques from fields such as physics, statistics or mathematics. Examples of such techniques include the Brownian motion, fractals, and the application of nonparametric statistics, among others. This book is comprised by eleven chapters. Ali works were peer re- viewed. Six of those chapters con ta in applied research on Mexico. Other chapters focus on methodological issues and on applications of nonlin- ear time series models to diverse problems, ali related to the economy and finance. One exception is the work by He and Kyaw, on which lin- ear models are applied to analyze public Chinese firms. He and Kyaw along with Gevorkyan and Gevorkyan were invited authors as recipients of the best paper award in the International Business and Economy Conferences 2011 and 2012 (Hawaii, USA and Caen, France ). Their submissions were also peer reviewed.
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/73789
ISBN: 978-607-450-926-7
Aparece en las colecciones:CUCEA

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